Doerfler Bows
Egidius Dörfler made the master workshop to what it is today by means of perfection, extremely high quality standards and artistic intuition. It is for this reason that the Master Bows bear his name.
Dörfler Master Bows exercise a maximum of influence to sound, purity, strength and polish of the tone. It is only the Dörfler Master Bow which enables the art of playing to be put into its true light:
Through the contact with this bow, the string instrument player can influence the process of the first stroke of the bow in so many ways, that tonal effect and transitions through all levels of the tonal strength produce the desired effects.
It is no wonder that more and more musicians select a Dörfler Master Bow. The appreciation of the Dörfler Master Bow’s characteristics is certainly the most important reason for this.